Build the circular saw crosscut jig shown on the right with just a few tools using scraps laying around your shop!

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This circular saw cross cut
jig is so easy to make and so easy and accurate to use, you
will be kicking yourself for not thinking of doing this
sooner! This is the jig you need to turn your circular
saw into an accurate cross cut saw. If you are cross
cutting wide boards such as 1 x 12's, vinyl siding, or
soffit pieces, this is the portable jig you want to have on

One, 3/4" x 24" x 48" Plywood Panel
used for the base.
Two, 2 x 2 x 48" used for the
material guide rails.
One, 1/4" x 6" x 24" Plywood Panel
used for the guide brace.
One, 1 x 2 x 24" Pine or any
hardwood used for the guide fence.
24, 1 5/8" Wood Screws.

Step 1 - Select 3/4" x 24" x
48" Base Panel; Select the two, 2" x 2" x 48" rails;
attach the rails to the panel with the screws; ensure the
rails are straight, parallel, and equal distance along each

Step 2 - Select the 1/4" x 6" x
24" Plywood; select the 1 x 2 x 24" hardwood, straight board
fence; attach the fence to the plywood to form the saw guide
fence assembly; ensure it is applied straight and square;
use a speed square or carpenter's square to ensure accurate

Step 3 - Select the Fence
assembly and attach it about mid-point to the 2 x 2's of the
base; use your squares to ensure the guide is perpendicular
and equal distance to the 2 x 2 rails.

Step 4 - Select your circular
saw; place it on the guide, against the fence; set the depth
to cut about 1/8" into the base panel. Make a pass, a
groove through the 2 x 2 rails into the plywood base;
this groove becomes the measuring point for cross cutting
all future accurate, straight cuts.

Recommendation: When
cutting multiple pieces to a similar length, clamp a
stopping block at a given point as shown above; make your
cut and remove the measured piece; advance the material to
the block and make another cut; another identical measured
piece. This procedure is ideal for cutting soffit
pieces (be sure to use a metal cutting blade and/or reverse
an all-purpose blade).
This crosscut jig is great for cutting
vinyl siding. Another recommendation when cutting
vinyl siding, reverse your blade or use a special vinyl
cutting blade.