How To Build A
Corner Wall
Check Out The Wall Building Directions Below!

1. How to frame a corner within an existing
structure: You have determined the location and dimensions
of the new wall and the "L-Shaped" corner. You have built the
first wall, Wall #1, per the instructions for "How
to Build a Wall." The three 2x4's end the wall where the
corner will be built.

2. To build the second wall, measure from
the base plate of Wall #1 to where Wall #2 will end. With this
measurement, cut the two top plates, and the bottom plate to size.
Install the Top Plate #1 of Wall #2 and mark the placement line for
the Base Plate of Wall #2 per the instructions found in: "How
to Build a Wall."
3. Select Top Plate #2 of Wall #2 and the
Base plate; layout and mark the placement of the studs per the
wall building instructions.
4. Cut the studs and nail them in place per
the wall building instructions.
5. Lift Wall #2 into place; ensure the
boards making the corner are tight and lined up with the existing
wall #1. If Wall #1 is plumb, the Wall #2 should also be plumb
from top to bottom; the corner should be straight and plumb.
Nail the Top Plate into place and then secure the base and the
corners at each end of Wall #2.

5. This inside view of the corner
demonstrates how the three 2x4's of Wall #1 provides the nailing
surface for the drywall placement when Wall #2 is nailed into
position to form the corner.
6. With the wall in place, drill the
necessary holes for wire or pipes; add the wire and pipes; be sure
to nail any necessary metal pipe guard plates in place onto the studs.
7. Add the stud covering material of choice
and have a fun day. Access the following tips:
How to Frame a Wall
How to Frame a Door
Rough Opening
How to Frame a
Window Rough Opening
How To Hang and Finish Drywall
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