This Step Stool Plan is only one design of many possibilities; it can be built in 15-minutes from the time
your board hits the saw until you drive your last screw. If you would like to replicate it, follow the simple directions
Material List:
One, 3/4" board: Pine, Cedar, Plywood
or any solid scrap; 8" x 4', that's it.
1 5/8" screws and wood glue
(edging material if you use plywood).

Step 1, Cut Side panels - Select
3/4" x 8" material; Rip it to 7 3/4"; crosscut two
pieces to 12 1/2". Cut the edges to the dimensions as
shown above with a miter saw. Cut the two semicircles to
the dimensions as shown above with a scroll saw.
Step 2, Cut the Support Brace -
Select 3/4" material; rip one piece @ 3 3/4";
crosscut it to 10 1/2" for the Brace. Center the
Brace between the two sides and connect the pieces with glue
and four screws (counter sink the holes), as shown above.
Step 3, Cut the Top Panel - Select the
3/4" material; Rip a piece to 7 1/2"; crosscut it to
12". Attach the top with glue and four screws, as
shown above (counter sink the holes).
Step 4, Finish- Fill the holes
with wood filler, attach edging if you used plywood, sand,
paint or stain/poly, and attach some felt, non-scratching

Your 15-minute Step Stool is now complete;
the kids can now reach the faucet; enjoy. |